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Bay Area Assistance Dog Graduation

 In Events, General

This Summer, we are thrilled to announce that we have the opportunity to host an Assistance Dog Graduation aboard the USS Hornet on July 22nd at 11am! Join us for this once in a lifetime event where Assistance Dogs will be placed with their forever Warrior or Warrior facility.

Our Service Dogs are meticulously bred and trained. Each dog begins training at 4 weeks old and trains with our professional staff members until they are between 2-3 years old, allowing them to perfect their mobility and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) commands for placement. Throughout their training, they participate in weekly Social Therapy and Canine-Assisted Warrior Therapy®  that allows each dog to help between 40 and 60 Warriors prior to placement.

Our signature program, Canine-Assisted Warrior Therapy®, combines mental health care with dog training through teaching Warriors to train our Service Dogs alongside a mental health care professional. Through this one-of-a-kind program, Warriors are receiving the benefits of interacting with our Service Dogs-in-training while helping to prepare them for their future Warrior. Social Therapy involves light-hearted visits with Warriors to provide comfort and joy.

Once a Service Dog is ready for placement, we have a two week client training to allow clients receiving Assistance Dogs to learn the commands and bond with their new partner. This two week training includes classroom sessions and hands-on experience that prepares each client to work with their new Assistance Dog all while solidifying their bond.

We could not be more excited to host an Assistance Dog graduation this Summer aboard the USS Hornet. To learn more or RSVP, please email Olivia Hughes at  [email protected] by July 17th to reserve your spot!

BA July Graduation Invite
BA July Graduation Invite

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