Greg DeSantis Greg DeSantis

Puppy Exposure: A Key to Success!

Early Exposure: A Key to Success

It’s no secret; at Paws for Purple Hearts, we believe in the power of early exposure to set our future Service Dogs up for success. The journey from playful puppy to skilled Service Dog is filled with learning, growth, and the development of crucial skills that will one day empower a veteran or active-duty service member to regain independence and improve their quality of life.

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General, PPH Blog Claire Richardson General, PPH Blog Claire Richardson


From wagging tails to wet noses, we all know dogs have a way of bringing boundless joy into our lives. As their loyal companions, it’s our responsibility to ensure their well-being and happiness. While providing food, shelter, and love are just some of the important factors of owning a dog, one part is often overlooked. Grooming!

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