As Independence Day approaches, many are preparing their holiday festivities. Along with barbeques and parties, we ask that you join us in supporting our Nation’s Warriors as you celebrate the freedoms and liberties that they have fought to protect. There are a variety of ways you can make a difference in the lives of our Warriors as a thank you for their endless sacrifices. Consider the following as you prepare for this Fourth of July celebration!

Be Aware

As you prepare for your Fourth of July celebrations, please be aware of the way your activities could impact Warriors that might live in your neighborhood and community. Many Veterans and Active-Duty Service members suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This can make things like fireworks, loud noises, and flashing lights extremely triggering to Warriors suffering from PTSD. That can make it challenging for them to enjoy this incredible time of year.  You might want to consider bringing celebratory items like biodegradable confetti or glow sticks to your celebration instead of fireworks! 

Open Ear, Open Heart

One of the best ways you can support Warriors this holiday is to support them by being an active listener. These personal topics are never something to force a conversation about, but, if a Warrior is interested in discussing them with you, allow them to feel heard. Warriors sometimes feel as though they can’t talk about their experiences, and if they want to talk about them, giving an open ear is an amazing way to show support.

This time of year is an amazing time to show our Warriors how much we appreciate their service and sacrifice. Consider using this holiday as an opportunity to donate money or time to an organization that helps Warriors. Your support could change the lives of our Nation’s Active Duty Service Members and Veterans; a fitting tribute for this time of year. 

You can help our Warriors through the Paws for Purple Hearts mission. Consider donating, volunteering, or even spreading the word about our mission to your friends, family and community members. You can also show your support by following us on Instagram and Facebook. By doing one or more of these things, you are helping us to help a Warrior.

We want to wish everyone a Happy Fourth of July from Paws for Purple Hearts!

Looking to help our cause? We couldn’t do what we do without our supporters! Please consider helping us spread the word about our mission to your community. Your support allows us to continue to fulfill our mission in helping Veterans and Active Duty Service Members. By simply helping us get the word out there, you are helping us to continue to fulfill our mission. Please also consider a monetary donation or donating from our Amazon Wishlist to help our cause

Olivia Hughes

Olivia Hughes is the Marketing and Communications Specialist at the Paws for Purple Hearts - Bay Area location. Her love for dogs and passion for outreach brought her to PPH, where she is eager to help bring awareness to our mission. As a Bay Area native, she is passionate about connecting with local community members.


