As our organization embarks on a new journey in moving our headquarters to Canyonville, OR, it felt like the perfect time to hold our all staff conference on the campus! From all corners of the country, our staff members flew out from their facilities and joined together to celebrate the purchase of this property, as well as attend educational lectures and meetings.

Of course, there would be no conference without our Service Dogs-In-Training! Each trainer brought a dog from their site to work with while in attendance which really allowed for all staff to get to know the individual sites. With so much going on at each location, it is vital for our team to get together and spend time learning from one another every year. We are thrilled to have this new location to hold these conferences at for years to come.

The property allowed many unique functions to our team while they attended the conference, such as on campus housing in the brand new dorm building for future students of our sister organization, Bergin College of Canine Studies, and its own cafe building where we joined together in between lectures for a break.

Just down the road on our property is a massive field that allowed our dogs to wander together with staff, as well as a beautiful creek where morning playtime occurred! The sunny weather in town allowed for many swims for our dogs before they joined us in the auditorium building for our presentations. During presentations, we were all able to learn the newest information from the Service Dog Community and unite our combined knowledge afterwards to allow us to return to our various sites ready to make advances in our own communities.

We continue to thank the community of Canyonville, OR for being so welcoming to staff and dogs alike as we embark on this new opening. We could not be more thrilled to occupy this campus and build on the legacy we have already created.

Looking to help our cause? We couldn’t do what we do without our supporters! Please consider helping us spread the word about our mission to your community. Your support allows us to continue to fulfill our mission in helping Veterans and Active Duty Service Members. By simply helping us get the word out there, you are helping us to continue to fulfill our mission. Please also consider a monetary donation or donating from our Amazon Wishlist to help our cause.

Claire Richardson

Claire Richardson is the Marketing and Communication Specialist at Paws for Purple Hearts National office in Penngrove, California. At her location, she educates the community about PPH and its mission to help bring more awareness to the work that our organization does. Having lived all over California in her life, she is passionate about animals and how they can change our lives.


