The Importance of Remembering

Not many people are aware of the historical significance of this day, but July 27 marks the anniversary of the signing of The Korean National Armistice Agreement, also known as the end of the Korean War. This war cost thousands of lives, including over 30,000 American lives that were involved in this devastating war. Beyond those who died, there are an even larger number of Prisoners of War that paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

The Korean War lasted three long years after North Korea invaded South Korea over a land dispute. It is important to reflect and remember the lives lost and those injured in these wars as many Veterans still hold on to the effects of their time served for years after, some even for the rest of their lives.

In Washington D.C., visitors may visit the memorial that exists showcasing 19 statues on patrol during the Korean War. This year, a new addition to this memorial will be unveiled displaying the 36,574 American lives and estimated 8,000 Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army that lost their lives. Memorials are incredibly important to all those who remember lives lost or experiences had during the course of any war, but for the families and loved ones of those affected, they are most important.

Every year, the United States President also recognizes this day in history and reflects on the importance of the Korean War, while also honoring those that served. In the United States and in many other countries in the world, this day is remembered by wreath ceremonies at Veterans cemeteries and flag displays to commemorate the end of such a horrific war. Wherever you may be on this day, take a moment of silence to reflect on those lives lost and impacted all those decades ago in the Korean War and thank them for the sacrifices made over the course of those years involved.

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Claire Richardson

Claire Richardson is the Marketing and Communication Specialist at Paws for Purple Hearts National office in Penngrove, California. At her location, she educates the community about PPH and its mission to help bring more awareness to the work that our organization does. Having lived all over California in her life, she is passionate about animals and how they can change our lives.


